You went to school. It was the best school you could get into or could afford. You got an MBA. Congratulations! Now what? How are you going to really learn about leading in a dynamic world that changes every day? How are going to lead multiple generations of people that have different expectations of you and the organization? How are you going to keep your team focused on the customer? How are you going to keep an eye on costs without destroying the culture? What about your personal career development?
The answer is simple and yet, one that most leaders I work with do not want to hear.
School is never out.
Getting your MBA or even your Ph.D. is not enough. The world is too dynamic. And… most business schools are years behind the times with professors that are rarely in the trenches, or at least haven’t been for years.
To learn what it takes to lead and be successful today, leaders need to live by the mantra that school is never out. Ever.
The excuse “I don’t have time” is now used by those who will be left behind wondering what happened. You need to invest in your personal career development to be a true leader.
What you will discover is that when you invest in your personal career development you will start to leapfrog the internal and external competition for success (however you define that). Too much effort? Then mediocrity awaits. And the mediocre eat leftovers.
Harsh message but it’s reality. School is never out for today’s leaders.