I often talk about school never (ever) being out. Often though we think of training, development, and learning as it relates to skills both physical and cognitive. Good leaders are always learning. Great leaders are always learning about themselves.
When it comes to ourselves, what can we learn? The answer to that question is a key to developing the most important tool a leader needs to have in their arsenal… Emotional Intelligence.
97% of all managers and leaders have ridiculous Cognitive Intelligence. In other words, they are smart! Sadly, very few of those have a high level of Emotional Intelligence. The very best leader I have tutored under anywhere on the planet has a tenth-grade education. The very worst leader I have worked with on the planet, without question, had a Ph.D.
The difference?
The best leader had a clear understanding of his own feelings, motivations, and actions. He also had a clear understanding of his impact on those around him and what motivated and inspired others. He built expediential value in the culture, for customers and for shareholders.
The worst leader was vaguely aware that there were other people besides herself on the planet. And those that she was aware of, were the ones lined up behind her kissing her ass. She erased millions of dollars in market share in a very short period of time. And… true to form, blamed the business’ slide on everyone else around her.
Here is my challenge to you:
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, #1 Best Selling Author, and International Keynote Speaker. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
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Tags: Communication, Emotional Intelligence, It's Already Inside, Leader, Leadership, Leadership Development, Robert Murray, Robert S. Murray