How do I inspire my team when they are unmotivated and uninspired? This is a great question that I got from a young leader-in-the-making.
I have always found in my 25 plus years of leading people and teams that there is almost no one that signs on to a company to do a crap job. They usually enthusiastically put everything they have into getting the job and are over the moon with excitement when they get selected and join the company. They show up on day-1 full of ideas and ready to get-up-and-go.
Then, slowly, all their enthusiasm gets stripped out of them with policies, procedures and ridiculous rules designed by upper management for the comfort and convenience of the company and not the customers. Team members are suppressed into roles of trudging along like the cast in Apple’s famous 1984 TV commercial.
If you are the leader of an ‘uninspired’ team, take heart, here is my model for engaging the team – despite crap policies and bad management from senior ‘leaders’…
This model is simple and it works! Test it out, and let me know how it goes: