School is never out. Ever. If you think that because you went to university and got your MBA, you are done, think again. You have just started. You need to develope a culture of learning and fast.
The pressure on leaders in business has never been more intense. Customers want more value. Shareholders want higher, more consistent returns. Team members want to be more appreciated, respected and rewarded. And… all three groups will vote with their feet if they don’t get what they want.
The pressure on costs is great as well. More and more organizations are cutting learning and development budgets for leaders (the worst thing to do by the way!). The expected norm in a lot of businesses is that leaders come job ready and do their learning and development on their own time and on their own dime.
Sound like a dream job to you? It does to me! The more chaotic and screwed things get, the more excited I get.
How does one thrive in this craziness? Here is my ‘8-Step’ plan to stay ahead of the chaos and stay relevant in the world of leadership:
Here’s the bottom line… If you are not in command of your own planning, learning, and development, someone else will be and that route is usually filled with stress, frustration, disappointment, and sameness.
As a leader, you need to foster and nurture a culture of learning. Even if you don’t have a budget. Leaders often will whine to me that they don’t have time to invest in their own learning and development. My response? In this environment, you don’t have time not to (or you can watch your favorite program on the TV tonight). It is your choice.
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, partner at Incrementa Consulting Inc., #1 Best Selling Author, and International Keynote Speaker. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
The audio version of Bob’s #1 best seller It’s Already Inside is now available on Audible.
Tags: Business, Business Culture, Corporate Culture, It's Already Inside, Leader, Leadership, Responsibility, Robert Murray, Robert S. Murray, Success, Values