What could you give as the ultimate gift?
Well, most places on the planet are into full-on Christmas commercialization chaos! It seems to me that it started super early this year too. Not long after Labour Day stores were starting to sneak out their Christmas Displays, TV networks were running cheesy Holiday films in early November and… I actually heard a Christmas Carol being played the last week in October!
No wonder people get stressed out this time of year!
Thinking of the perfect gift?
The best one I ever got and have subsequently learned to give is… Gratitude.
Here’s the thing. You are who you are and where you are because of your hard work, intentions and most importantly, because of the people you have had in your life. Parents, teachers, coaches, professors, bosses (good and bad), friends, relatives, siblings, neighbors. the police officer that gave you a break, doctors, nurses – the list goes on and on!
Use this time of year – a time of reflection – to let people know how much you care by simply saying thank you for all their support and help through your life.
Your assignment… Like Santa Claus, make a list. A list of the 10 people in your life that you credit for helping you achieve your success. Make it real by adding a picture beside their name. Then reach out to the people on your list and thank them. Tell them how much their support meant to you. Tell them how much you love them. Do it via FaceBook, Twitter, email, phone call, a card in the post, text message, a coffee get-together or a banner towed behind an airplane.
This is an amazing gift because it gives twice. Once to the person you are thanking. They will be touched in ways hard to imagine. The second is for you. Your heart will fill with warmth. You will have an amazing energy renewal. You will be thought of as someone that respects and appreciates other. And… this will come back to you many times over.
Try it. It is the greatest gift ever.
Robert Murray is an Author, Global Speaker and Business Strategist. You can find Robert’s books on heart based leadership here. For further advice, ideas and inspiration on leadership, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.
Tags: Authenticity, Brand, Communication, Employee Engagement, Inspiration, It's Already Inside, Leadership, Respect, Robert Murray, Robert S. Murray, Success, Values