We’ve all been there. A resumé, or CV, hits your desk and it reads like a best seller, the perfect person for creating a good corporate culture. You think, you have to have this person on your team! You fast track or short-circuit the interview process. Hire and on board the candidate, and promote him/her like he/she is the second coming. And then… he/she turns out to be a complete and total disaster (I was going to say “Asshole,” except I am too polite).
What went wrong? On paper, this was the best thing ever. People like this NEVER come along!
Well first of all, I never hire for skills. I have been burned too many times by those with impressive resumés that included graduating at the top of their class from the world’s best schools (I once worked with a person that said she had a PhD from the world’s top business school – she was an asshole and she destroyed millions of dollars in shareholder value).
I hire for behavior alignment and attitude, train for skills. And… I fire quickly for lack of fit with the culture.
How do you hire for behaviors and attitude? Here’s my checklist:
** Send me an email and I will send you my extensive list of weird and whacky interview questions!
Why departure from the normal process? Simple. You want to build a team of people that believe the same things that your organization does and create a good corporate culture. When you have that kind of alignment, magical things happen. Team engagement soars. Revenue, productivity and customer satisfaction increases. Costs actually decrease.
Or you can continue to hire assholes.
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, #1 Best Selling Author, and International Keynote Speaker. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
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Tags: Business Culture, Communication, Hiring, Leadership, Management, Team, Values