It Starts With a Dream
Ask yourself these two questions: Where are you going in your life? What will you be known for when your time passes in this lifetime?
We all spend time day dreaming about things that we want to do. If you are like me, your day dream list is long. Some things on your list may be impossible – for example, I will never be six feet tall. Others though, if you truly want them, and believe you are worthy and capable, are all yours for the achieving.
Dream to Reality
I created a “How Bad Do You Want It” check list that I use when I’m trying to turn a dream into reality – to make sure I’m on the right path to achieve success:
- Don’t try to be all things. Just as in business, you cannot be all things to all people at once. Your list may be incredibly long. Prioritize it down to 3 things. Then prioritize it down to 1. My ‘one thing’ is leadership. It is all I think about. It is what has made me successful. People who are the very best there is at what they do NEVER try to all things.
- Laser Beam Focus. Only focus on what you want to do. Everything else is a distraction. They say it takes 10,000 hours to become world class. That’s 416 days. 1.14 years. If you want to be world class at 3 things, it is going to take you 1,250 days of intense focus. Yet you could be world class in less than a year at one thing. Then, with more focus, your could be the world’s greatest at your one thing in a few years.
- Enjoy the Journey. Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th and current Dalai Lama, says that when you are sick with the flu or a cold, you should enjoy the feeling of being sick so that when you are healthy, you do not take a moment of that for granted. In your quest for greatness in chasing your dream, remember that it will take effort, set-backs, learning’s, reward and most of all, time. Life is short. Enjoy the journey every step of the way on your personal road to greatness. Live, love and laugh along the way.
Here Is the Key
How bad do you want it? If you were trapped in a submerged automobile, you would have one thought, and one thought only: escape to the surface so you could breathe. That’s it. You would not be thinking about what you are doing this weekend or what’s on TV this evening. You would only be thinking about escaping and breathing.
Well, the quest for your greatness needs to be as focused. How bad do you want it?
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Life Lessons,
Robert Murray,
Robert S. Murray,