We get to choose what we eat for breakfast, the colour of our car, who we spend time with, whether or not to wear crazy underwear underneath formal business suits. We get to choose who we work with, who we vote for, and when to go to bed at night. We also get to choose our mindset.
We get to choose whether we approach each day, each situation, and each interaction with a closed mindset – meaning our mind has already decided upon the outcome – or an open/growth mindset – meaning we go into each and every situation with an open mind, ready to “seek first to understand”.
As an Executive Coach, one of the first things I always ask a new protégé is: “Are you coachable?” This may seem like a stupid question, yet, I am fascinated by how many people have risen to a position of authority over other people or a whole business operation who are set in their ways. Who thinks that there is absolutely nothing that someone else can teach or coach them on. You may have come across the same people… they are usually trying hard to be the smartest person in the room and are threatened by anyone that might expose them for being a fraud.
Here are five questions to honestly ask yourself, so you can reflect on the state of your mindset:
Your mindset, whether it be closed or open, will close or open doors of opportunity for you in every aspect of your life.
For more on mindsets, I recommend picking up Carol S. Dweck’s book “MindSet.” See the power for yourself.
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, #1 Best Selling Author, and International Keynote Speaker. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
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Tags: coaching, Leadership, Leadership Coaching, Mindset, Personal Developement