Corporations spend millions every year to build and maintain their corporate brand. The result of this intense and expensive attention is billions of dollars in growth, customer loyalty, and profit. Corporate brands can be worth literal billions on an organization’s balance sheet as well. The following shows just how valuable the top brands in the world are worth ONLY from their brand perspective…
People have brands too. A personal brand can be incredibly valuable, or it can be a massive limiter to growth and success. Think of Oprah as an example. Her brand is worth hundreds of millions. Think of Lance Armstrong. He was once a strong and popular brand worth an estimated $100 million, but now he has trouble getting a speaking gig at the local Chamber of Commerce.
You have a brand… whether you want to or not. Your brand is a collection of your values, your ‘why’ in life, your strengths, and your weaknesses. It is what you are known for. It is your ‘trust mark’.
To put it bluntly, your brand is made up of what people say about you when you are not in the room.
The good news though is that a personal brand is manageable. Just like corporations carefully plan and manage their brands, you can too! It starts with an awareness, and with that awareness, you can make better choices about what you want to be known for. With better choices, you will get better personal branding results.
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, partner at Incrementa Consulting Inc., #1 Best Selling Author, and International Keynote Speaker. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Tags: Branding, Communication, Corporate Branding, Personal Branding, Robert Murray, Robert S. Murray, Self-Awareness, Vancouver BC