With the start of the New Year, we often say: “This year I am going to get organized. This year is going to be different.” And then February comes and… Well maybe next year.
I want to share my secrets for getting shit done and being able to do it without adding more stress to our lives. And… I have been following this method for over 30-years. It’s easy and it works!
- Kick Butt in the Morning. Get seven to eight hours of sleep and then get up early (if you are doing the math in your head, this means that you must go to bed early). Average performers get up at a time when they must rush around forcing them to not plan their day, not plan their meals or hydration and they get stuck in traffic. High performers get up and before they must – stress free – leave for work, they have journaled, read their over-night email, exercised and planned the day ahead.
- Eat that Frog! American author Brian Tracy wrote the book by the same title. I love the title but love the concept even more. When you plan your day, plan to do the big (often ugly) but most important things first.
- Feedback is a Gift. Feedback, even when it is coming from someone that only wants to shit on you, can be a gift if we chose to learn from it. I used to even love getting feedback from leaders that emotionally could not lead or organize a party in a brewery (and, I have worked for a few of those). I chose to take on the lesson even if it meant that I would say: “Note to self… NEVER be like they are when I am CEO.” Feedback is a gift. Those that are good leaders know how to recognize what you need to work and they often know how to tell you. Get out of your own way and open your mind to it.
- Failure is Another Gift. As someone that was once assessed by a team of Physiologists for a key executive role I was being considered for as in the 28th percentile of conventional conformity, I could write a book on the crazy ideas I have had that… failed. Failure is an event not a person and if you choose to learn from it, you will never find a better teacher. It is all in your mindset.
- Character is Contagious. Attitude (or character) is the ONLY skill that cannot be trained for. You either have it or you don’t. The good news is that you get to choose your attitude. Every Rockstar I have ever worked with had character.
- What is Your Why? Figure out your purpose. I love the quote from Mark Twain… “The two most important days in a human being’s life is the day we were born and the day we figure out why.” The day I discovered my purpose (That which gives me the most energy, focus, joy and… fun) was the day that my role as a leader fell into place and success took-off.
- Do More Than Others. Want to know the secret? There is no secret. Want to go higher, make more, be more successful? Do more. Work harder than anyone else. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Wishing your 2022 is your best year yet. Get out there and be the next best version of you!
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, #1 Best Selling Author, International Keynote Speaker, and TEC Top Speaker of the Year for 2018. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, connect with Robert on LinkedIn.
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It's Already Inside,
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Robert Murray,
Robert S. Murray,