There are over 7 Billion people on the planet. Just event thinking about that mind-boggling number is enough to make one think that we are truly insignificant in the grand scheme of things. I mean really, how could I possibly make a difference in the world around me while I am here? How can I be more significant?
You ARE significant though. You are loved by family and friends and connected to hundreds of people that you touch directly and indirectly as a leader. You matter to a lot of people.
It all starts with you thinking that you are significant and that what you do matters.
I saw this first hand when 2 years ago I was hospitalized after breaking my neck and sustaining a serious head injury, because of a freak accident. During the 2-weeks I was in a hospital bed I saw the impact that my being there had on my family, friends and some of my clients that came to see me.
I remember lying there thinking how incredibly blessed I was to have been able to touch the lives of so many people around me. I remember thinking that I mattered – maybe not to 7 Billion people but to the people in my universe – but I mattered, to those who were significant to me. In fact, I am convinced that my recovery was due to those people.
So, how can you ‘become more significant’? Here’s my list:
When my life changed in a split second 2 years ago and I found myself in a trauma hospital fighting for my life, I realized that if I wanted to be more significant in this crowded and confusing world, it was going to be up to me.