When it comes to motivation, it can be hard being a leader. I mean really hard.
As a leader you are expected to be the one that is always positive. Ready for any challenge. Able to leap over ambiguity in a single bound. Lead your team flawlessly through change… Sounds pretty overwhelming to me!
And… well… there are just some days when, as unrealistic and impossible as it is, you just feel like telling everyone: “take a “Happy Pill” and do your jobs without bothering me!” But, of course we can’t… so how are we supposed to cope? How are we supposed to be that one that always has it together?
Well, it is a lot easier than you may think! And it comes down to your personal values.
Have you ever noticed that when you are doing something that aligns with your top values, you cannot wait to get to it? For me, my number one value is ‘Freedom.’ When I am faced with an opportunity to be and feel free, I am beyond motivated – I am a stark raving ‘Energizer Bunny’! For example, when I have a week in front of me where I have a huge variety of things to do, I LOVE getting out of bed in the morning and doing it. To me, variety means freedom.
Another top value for me is ‘Optimal Health’. When I schedule a 5:30am run, I LOVE getting out of bed (even if it is dark, cold, and wet outside) because I don’t think of it as something that is hard or I’m “too tired” to do. I look at it as an opportunity to improve my health.
Conversely, one of my lowest rated values is wasted time in pointless meetings. I HATE going to meetings where I know that it is going to be a huge waste of time. I often find that on days when I have a full schedule of worthless meetings, I have a hard time getting out of bed.
So what can YOU do to find out what it is that motivates you at all times? Determine what your top values are, and fill your time with opportunities that align with those.
Here’s how:
This is what values-based leadership is, and it starts with you. Your personal values need to be honoured. You will be happier, more energized, less stressed, and way more motivated. Most importantly, you will discover your life has more meaning (and we are all chasing that) when you are living in alignment with your top values.