When I work with leaders in different parts of the world, be it CEOs or Frontline Supervisors, I see a common trait. Often, the leaders I work with have a solid grasp on planning for their team or their business, a clear direction, measureable KPI’s and a methodology for governing their plan. What I rarely see however, is the same rigor and discipline for a personal growth plan for themselves.
It would seem like common sense that to be the very best at what you do, you would have a plan for developing the very best version of you. However, personal planning rarely happens.
The crazy part is that developing and following a personal plan is actually fairly simple.
The problem starts within ourselves.
Some of us may be carrying baggage from childhood that prevents us from thinking that we are worthy of being the very best version of ourselves. Do yourself a favor if this sounds familiar and reach out for help in order to find a way to move past it and on with your life.
Some of you may be young and thinking that you don’t have to worry about pulling long hours, eating crappy food, not getting enough sleep or exercise, etc. Believe me, youth will pass and you will wish you built and worked out a plan in your youth.
Whatever the reason you have for not building and following your own development plan, you are kidding yourself.
When you are the very best version of yourself, magical things happen. You will experience…
Just to name a few.
Here is my simple approach to building your own personal growth plan:
That’s it. Super simple… right? Final word on this… The biggest limitation and blockage we top performers often have around personal planning is the ‘6-inches between our ears.’
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, partner at Incrementa Consulting Inc., #1 Best Selling Author, and International Keynote Speaker. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
The audio version of Bob’s #1 best seller It’s Already Inside is now available on Audible.
Tags: Growth, Leader, Leadership, personal development, Planning, Robert Murray, Robert S. Murray, Self-Awareness, Strategic Planning, Success