This is the last of a four-part series on leadership advice for engaging the hearts and minds of the Millennial Generation in the Workplace. First, we discussed what all the fuss was regarding the millennial generation in the workplace. Then we discussed what some of the generational differences are and how the generational gap is affecting the workplace. In this final segment of the series, I’m going to give you some easy steps you can take to get your whole team working with Millennials happily and effectively.
As I mentioned earlier, I love leading and working with Millennials! I find them to be incredibly eager students of leadership, engagement and work ethic.
Why then is there such a contrast from the “lazy, unproductive, narcissistic, entitled, self-obsessed and disloyal” I hear constantly from other business leaders? Because it’s the fault of the leadership, not of the Millennial generations.
As a truly world-class leader of all ages, you need to learn how to give your team what they need. You need to adopt an attitude of servitude versus demand.
I heard a GREAT quote recently at a workshop. It went like this: “If serving is below you, then leadership is beyond you.” Bang on.
Today’s business environment is a place where competitors from 12 time zones away are conspiring on how they are going to eat your lunch. To be successful, we all need to check our egos at the door and be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. To be truly competitive, every single team member has to be aligned with the values, purpose, and direction. Working with Millennials, the up-and-coming generation in the workplace, is a key part of that success. So stop slamming them as lazy and self-centered! Embrace their differences and nurture their strengths.
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, partner at Incrementa Consulting Inc., #1 Best Selling Author, and International Keynote Speaker. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Tags: Business Culture, Communication, Corporate Culture, Employee Engagement, Employee Retention, Leadership, Millennials, Purpose, Robert Murray, Robert S. Murray, Team, Team Work, Values, Vision, Working with Millennials