The phrase “No Problem” is as magical as a leader. Here’s why…
My wife and I were staying at the Four Seasons hotel with some friends, and just before we left the hotel to go for dinner, I phoned down to the front desk and asked for directions to the restaurant. The concierge explained that the restaurant was a 20 minute walk or the hotel could drive us. I said the walk would be good for us and then asked if there would be a shuttle to bring us back later in the evening. The concierge said; “Of course.” I asked what if we were really late? He replied; “No problem. We will find you where ever you are.” The phrase “No problem” instantly put me at ease.
The evening went fantastic. We talked and laughed for hours. When we finished, my wife and I walked back to the hotel to get some air and let the effects of the red wine wear off a bit. Just as I was about to crawl into bed, I needed to read something so I reached into my jacket for my eye glasses. Not there! I must have left them at the restaurant. Argh! I picked up the phone and called down to the concierge. I got ‘Jonathan’ on the phone and I explained my situation. He said; “No problem. I will send a driver to the restaurant and pick them up for you.” Once again the phrase, “No problem,” made me feel at ease, that someone cared and there was a solution. 30 minutes later, there was a knock on our door and there was a driver with my eye glasses. Wow!
The story is not so much about the Four Seasons Resort in Whistler (Although, as usual, the Four Seasons blew me away with their consistent, world class experience), but in the expression “No Problem.” As a leader, few phrases set you apart from the crowd. Telling your team that there is “no problem,” says that you have a plan and that you are confident it will work. Telling your boss that there is “no problem,” tells them that they can trust you to solve the challenge they have. Telling your customers that there is “no problem,” lets your customer relax knowing that you will see to it that their situation is resolved without them having to worry any more.
Start using the phrase “No problem” and see how the people around will see you as someone that is competent and confident. The only caveat here though, is that you must deliver. More about that next week!