We wake up these days and find ourselves in a world full of uncertainty. Anxiety, stress and panic seem to be the order of the day. In times like these, leadership should be about being the calmest person around, with a plan and constant communication around the direction. You need to make sure your team is taken care of and they are confident that we will get through to the other side.
Today however, the ‘flames of chaos’ of the world we are in are being fuelled by mainstream media sensationalism and social media chatter.
In times of uncertainty, people tend to slide back to their very basic – primal if you will – instincts and dwell on fear, uncertainty, and doubt about what will it all mean to themselves as individuals.
Yes, there are going to be far-reaching impacts of this pandemic. Yes, we do not know for sure how long it will last. Yes, it is a worry.
Here’s the thing though, as a leader it’s your job – no matter what is happening around us – to create clarity, communicate clarity and reinforce clarity. Your team needs you to be that calming force giving them direction with a plan – in some cases for the worst – yet also looking forward with a plan. Stanford Economist, Paul Romer once sai: “A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.”
We as leaders are humans too. So, what is the calming, steadying force that we need? My answer? Other leaders. Seek out individuals that are not running around screaming, “The sky is falling!” The negativity and anxiety that comes from those people is, unfortunately, contagious.
Similarly, the energy and positivity of positive, like-minded leaders that know you will get you through this, and the wise ones we spend time with will have a plan. On a daily basis, every chance I get, I am spending time talking with, and exchanging ideas with, people that are positive and focused on being ready for opportunities. We talk at length about:
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, #1 Best Selling Author, International Keynote Speaker, and TEC Top Speaker of the Year for 2018. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
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Tags: Business, Business Strategy, Communication, Inspiration, Leader, Leadership, Life Lessons, Management, Purpose, Responsibility, Robert Murray, Robert S. Murray, Self-Awareness, Strategic Planning