Few actions you will take as a leader will set you apart faster than the word “Promises.”
You will take the fast ride to the top of the leadership elite when you deliver – on a consistent basis – on your promises. Whether that be to your customers, your team or any other stakeholder in the business. Conversely, you will spiral into the depths of mediocrity the moment your brand is associated with that of being someone that does not keep their promises. You choose.
Making promises is easy. Your day is filled with problems and challenges. People are seemingly endlessly lined up outside your door or cubicle with issues. The phone keeps ringing. Your boss is sending you non-stop things to do. Emails are piling up! It is so easy to tell someone that you will take care of it. The moment you say that you will get it done, the pressure seems to go away as the person you just made the promise to backs off – convinced you will do something about it. Then another. And another. Next thing you know, you are waste deep in commitments that you cannot possibly keep! Argh!
Commitments soon go uncompleted. Surprisingly though, it seems no one noticed. Then another. And another. Next, you slide into lazy habits of over promising and under delivering. Here’s the issue… Someone always notices. Unfortunately, only about 2% actually follow up with you on your commitments. But believe me, the other 98% are left with a brand image of you that is one of untrustworthy, uncommitted, never delivers, mediocre. If that person is a customer, they will just take their business elsewhere. If the person is your boss, you will get a surprise at your performance review or worse, fired. And you will never see it coming. Leadership advice: If you can’t keep a promise, stop making them!!!
Want to be a leader who is respected? Change your habits and start delivering!!!
You can though become revered as a leader that gets things done by developing and keeping the habit of someone that gets things done. How? Here are some easy steps that you can take to strengthen your “Get it done and keep your promises muscle”…
Too hard? Then go back to being mediocre! Or… You can be one of those rare people on our planet that keeps their word and their commitments. Your brand will rise to the top and you will be rewarded for it.