Taking control of your destiny, and standing in your power, starts with taking control of the direction you want to take your life.
Most people on the planet do not practice the art of charting the course of their life. In fact, most bump their way through each day. They start with Monday by saying to themselves: “Only five days until the weekend.” Then five days later, “Thank God it’s Friday!” Only to repeat the process again the following week.
That is not how leaders stand in their power.
Standing in your power means that you have a plan for where you are going and what you want to do. It means you start each year with a plan for the year. That is then broken down into a monthly plan. Each week you bite off little bits of your plan by working on the little things every day.
Now is the perfect time to get started.
Ask yourself what does good look like for you a year from now?
There is no magic wand; however, if you put this all down on paper in the form of a plan, you will join the elite 3% of the world’s population that creates a plan for themselves. They are the ones that stand in their own power… not under the control of someone else’s power by following directives of others.
What are you waiting for? Grab a blank piece of paper right this minute and start writing out your plan for this year.
Put a note in your calendar to write me in a year and let me know how you did!
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, #1 Best Selling Author, International Keynote Speaker, and TEC Top Speaker of the Year for 2018. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Click here to get his weekly Tuesday Tune Up blog posts straight to your inbox.
Tags: Business Goals, Business Strategy, Focus, Growth, Happiness, Inspiration, Leader, Leadership, Robert Murray, Robert S. Murray, Self-Awareness, Success