“Sales is a simple business, however, it is often complicated by idiots.” That is a quote from Richard Hoy, one of my many sales mentors.
Never were truer words spoken.
I am often, almost daily, amazed by the number of people I meet that tell me: “I am not a sales guy.” “Bullshit” is my reply. Then they say: “No, really Bob. I am not in sales. I’m a finance guy (or in HR, or an engineer, etc…).” Again, my reply is: “Bullshit.”
Everyone, absolutely everyone, is in sales. Selling is not a dirty word. If you feel like you need a shower after even thinking about selling, then you need to adjust your paradigm.
True sales people are among the most professional in the world. And leaders and executives that do not carry a business card with “Sales” as part of their title, that “get it,” understand that they are in sales too.
The most successful individuals in the world that I have met, all have one thing in common when it comes to selling: they don’t ‘sell.’ They just have interesting conversations with people about things that are important to them.
One my Vistage colleagues John Wright, who is based in Texas, says it this way: “Sales is simply a relationship progression.”
If you think you ‘have’ to sell a product or a service, then you are complicating the idea of selling and making your life difficult. Selling is all about solving another person’s problem.
Look at it this way… when you are with your spouse, family or friends, you sell ideas all the time by talking about something that is important to them. You don’t go into a conversation with a friend thinking about following a specific selling process and looking for ‘buying signals.’ If you do, that is quite weird and there is professional help for that.
Same for selling a product, service or idea in business to a customer, partner or team member; the best results always come from having interesting conversations about something that is important to the other party. That is the only way that we achieve true, lasting emotional connection to whatever you are trying to do. And with an emotional connection comes the sale you are looking for.
Keep it simple. Stop selling! Start with real, honest relationships and solving their problem.
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, partner at Incrementa Consulting Inc., #1 Best Selling Author, and International Keynote Speaker. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Tags: Communication, Marketing, Marketing Excellence, Robert Murray, Robert S. Murray, Sales, Sales Professional, Selling, Success, Vancouver BC