Motivation. How does one get it? Where does it come from? Do some people just naturally have it and others don’t?
All questions that I have heard.
The answer though, like most everything in life, is very simple. Motivation comes from within. You already have it inside.
And, as a leader, it is impossible to motivate someone else unless you are motivated.
Motivation comes from love. A deep, burning love for who you are and what you love to do in your life. If you love to cook, you will be motivated to cook for anyone that is hungry. If you love to dance, you will be motivated to dance like no one is watching. Chasing your passion comes with a deep motivation that cannot be matched. It is like the burning desire to take a breath when you are trapped under water – All you want to do is breathe – You cannot focus on anything else except breathing.
When you are doing what you love, you have greater expectations for yourself. You are less worried about failure and making mistakes and victories taste all the more sweeter.
If you love to lead with vision, purpose and from a place of service, everyone around you will sense it and will be motivated to follow you. That is how you inspire and motivate others.
Robert Murray is an Author, Global Speaker and Business Strategist. You can find Robert’s books on heart based leadership here. For further advice, ideas and inspiration on leadership, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.