I hear it all the time. Leaders are looking for success, wealth, fame, recognition, respect, honesty, trust, love. Leaders are wanting something to change, the team to step up, the culture to be different, customer service to be better… The list goes on.
The curious thing I see though is the same groups that tell me they want all this to happen, are usually waiting for it to change. Very few actually go out and make it happen. I constantly see leaders say the same thing: “we have a new plan. I am going to wait and see if the team does anything different.” To which I always think… “this is going to be very interesting. Everyone sitting around waiting for the other one to make the first move!”
I always tell people that if you are looking for love, then give it. If you want more recognition, then give it. If you want change to happen, then lead it.
The world is full of spectators. People waiting for things to happen. Waiting for someone else to take charge and show them the way or do the thinking.
The essence of leadership is getting people to do things (willingly) that they would not normally do on their own. And, the best way to get an individual or group to follow in a direction or do something different is through showing them and leading.
You want things to change in your personal life? Then, as Ghandi once said, “be the change you want to see in the world.” You have to be the first one to make the move. You want love? Give love. You want the world to be a better place? Be that change. Want to solve hunger? Start by feeding people.
Same for business and leadership. You want your organization or team to treat each other and customers the absolute best? Lead that example. Be the one to make the sacrifices. The very best leaders of the very best businesses in the world put their team first by making the sacrifice and leading the way – Parking their ego and the fancy title at the door.
The key is, if you want something, lead it, give it, show it, do it, be it – but do it first!”