Well, 2021 is underway and we have a month and a half in the books already, which means that it’s time I get talking about changing some habits.
Let’s talk about habits for a moment. First of all, a habit is a noun. Its dictionary definition is: “a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.” I especially like the last eight words.
A habit is wired in an area of your brain called the basal ganglia. The more often you perform an action or behave a certain way, the more it gets physically wired into your brain with new neuro connections.
Habits can be good for you, or bad. The cool part is we get to choose (with the exception for addictions that can be traced back to genetics; which we can control with support and discipline). Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with. Conversely, bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with. (Example… I love chocolate and it is easy to wander into the kitchen and get some but as I get older, my waistline is not loving chocolate).
It takes each of us about 21-days to form a habit – or wire new connections in our brain, so habits are not one of the those things that we do once and we have it mastered.
Here is my List of 21 that have become habits for me. Pick one, two or all and re-wire your brain over the next 21-days:
Let me know how it goes with your 21-in-21 (or one or two in 21).
Robert Murray is a Vancouver, BC based Business Strategy Consultant, #1 Best Selling Author, International Keynote Speaker, and TEC Top Speaker of the Year for 2018. For further advice, insight and inspiration on how to unlock your inner leader, follow Robert on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
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Tags: Business, Business Culture, Business Goals, Business Strategy, Emotional Intelligence, Focus, Growth, Happiness, It's Already Inside, Leader, Leadership, Life Lessons, Management, Organization, Purpose, Respect, Responsibility, Robert Murray, Robert S. Murray, Self-Awareness, Strategic Planning, Vision