I’d have to say that the biggest regret I often hear from business leaders is that they stopped incorporating intuition into their business strategies.
In the very “Left-Brained” world of business, we often spend countless hours analyzing data, spreadsheets, reports, financials, market research, studies, surveys, Zzzzzzzzz! With all the data we have coming at us, it is super easy to slip into paralysis followed by a coma (which we wake up from around 5:00 each afternoon…!).
Traditional businesses (the ones that occupy the 97% circle of mediocrity) lull us leaders into a Zombie like state by overloading us with heavy demands for rational and logical approaches to doing business.
Here’s the problem… in the real world of business we deal with humans (customers and employees), who innately make all their decisions emotionally. Very little logic plays into most choices we humans make. Just ask someone why they married the partner they chose? They most likely won’t be giving you logical data to answer!
To be more successful, we need to start listening to the emotional side of our brains, the “Right-Brain.” Some people describe it as listening to our “gut.” Others describe it as that little voice in our heads. There is no science to it; it is just a “feeling” that we get. Our emotional right-brain is tapped into every piece of data our senses are capable of gathering. It sees all, hears all, and puts multiple scenarios together in a heartbeat. It has been doing that for hundreds of thousands of years – originally to keep us safe from threats and to take advantage of opportunities.
If you can learn to get better at listening to that “Inner Voice” by finding ways to tap into it… You will be amazed at the clarity that comes from your intuition and the success you will have in business.